Luke environmental pest technician

Termite inspection frequency in Brisbane


Brisbane’s climate is ideal for termites and newer building design can be prone to concealed termite entry.

Newer construction style of homes in Brisbane range from brick veneer to extension work in Queenslander homes with lower extensions. Concrete slab construction homes place the house timbers in low ground level to the soil below. Some physical inspection zones may be present or on occasions none at all.

Termites make mud tunnels to enter your home, these can be concealed behind timber, brick work or over a physical barriers.

Termite inspections in Brisbane are recommended at a maximum of 12 monthly intervals, sometimes more often ranging from 3-6 monthly.

During an inspection its a good idea to be home, so we can walk you through your home and inspection findings to help educate you and show areas we would like you to keep an eye out for termite entry in-between inspection periods.