thermal imaging camera

Thermal Imaging Termite Inspections



During your Termite Inspection we have access to the latest technology, Thermal imaging.

Thermal imaging  detects differentials in heat energy, the camera converts an image based on thermal energy rather than visible light. Termites generate heat in their workings, a thermal camera can detect this heat caused by the termites and generate a visible image.


Termites generate heat in larger numbers within workings, smaller infestations may not cause a difference in heat, therefore a complete termite inspection using all tools available is made on your home.

Thermal cameras used  correctly  in conjunction with other tools including moisture meters gives us an additional  tool to help in completing inspections as thoroughly as possible.

If you require a Termite inspection in Brisbane using Thermal Imaging or any questions on our termite inspections call Environmental Pest Control on 1300 738 178 for a complete and thorough Termite inspection.